Similar cultures separated by a common language

Posted by  Mark Schenk —February 16, 2012
Filed in Anecdotes, Fun, News

I’ve been in San Diego for the past three days343910 armour worn by ned kelly – mainly holiday but with two speaking engagements for the annual leadership get-together for Sharp HealthCare. Its one of my biggest ever gigs with over 700 people present for each of the days.

At lunch yesterday with some of the folks at Sharp, one of the ladies from the sound booth asked me to clarify something I’d said. I’d mentioned Ned Kelly and described him as an infamous bushranger (outlaw) who had become something of a folk hero. So, Jill described that the folks in the sound booth were sure I’d said ‘Ned Kelly is a famous bushwanker’ and she wanted to know if that’s what I’d meant to say. This caused a huge outburst of laughter from everyone in the room. I’m 100% sure I said ‘bushranger’ and explained that ‘bushwanker’ would be highly inappropriate.

Sharp HealthCare are one of the major health providers in San Diego with 15,000 staff. I was really impressed with them – storytelling is one of their five ‘foundations’ and much of the day was devoted to sharing both staff and patient stories. Their vision is to be ‘the best health care system in the universe’. If you look at this clip by Dan Heath you’ll understand why I like this vision so much.

Mark Schenk About  Mark Schenk

Mark works globally with senior leadership teams to improve their ability to communicate clearly and memorably. He has been a Director of Anecdote since 2004 and helped the company grow into one of the world’s leading business storytelling consultancies. Connect with Mark on:


  1. Jill says:

    Hi Mark:
    Thank you for joining us this week. I’ve heard many comments about how you inspired others to create their own stories.
    I’m also glad I was able to help you create a new story too.
    Safe travels.

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